18 research outputs found

    "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly": Evaluation of Wi-Fi Steganography

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    In this paper we propose a new method for the evaluation of network steganography algorithms based on the new concept of "the moving observer". We considered three levels of undetectability named: "good", "bad", and "ugly". To illustrate this method we chose Wi-Fi steganography as a solid family of information hiding protocols. We present the state of the art in this area covering well-known hiding techniques for 802.11 networks. "The moving observer" approach could help not only in the evaluation of steganographic algorithms, but also might be a starting point for a new detection system of network steganography. The concept of a new detection system, called MoveSteg, is explained in detail.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Proc. of: ICNIT 2015 - 6th International Conference on Networking and Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan, November 5-6, 201

    Glosa do wyroku Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z dnia 6 czerwca 2018 r. (II FSK 1525/16)

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    In this study the Author critically analyses the judgment of the Polish Supreme Administrative Court of 6th June 2018, II FSK 1525/16. The commented decision concerned the determination of a tax base in case of the inheritance and gift tax. The Court stated that this tax base is reduced, if a donee performs the donor’s instructions. The application of this rule is independent from the fact that a third person or the donee benefited from the instruction. The Author examines adequate provisions of Polish law on inheritance and gift tax, and he reflects the appropriate legal doctrine and court jurisdiction in this regard.W niniejszym opracowaniu autor krytycznie ocenia stanowisko Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego przedstawione w wyroku z dnia 6 czerwca 2018 r. (II FSK 1525/16), który dotyczył ustalenia podstawy opodatkowania w podatku od spadków i darowizn. W glosowanym orzeczeniu sąd stwierdził, że podstawa opodatkowania zmniejsza się, gdy obdarowany wykonuje polecenie darczyńcy, niezależnie od tego, czy korzyść z wykonania polecenia odnosi osoba trzecia, czy sam obdarowany. Autor dokonuje analizy odpowiednich przepisów ustawy o podatku od spadków i darowizn z uwzględnieniem poglądów doktryny i orzecznictwa

    Mobile Agents for Detecting Network Attacks Using Timing Covert Channels

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    This article addresses the problem of network attacks using steganographic techniques based on the manipulation of time relationships between IP packets. In the study, an efficient method to detect such attacks is presented. The proposed algorithm is based on the Change Observation Theory, and employs two types of agents: base and flying ones. The agents observe the time parameters of the network traffic, using proposed meta-histograms and trained machine learning algorithms, in the node where they were installed. The results of experiments using various machine learning algorithm are presented and discussed. The study showed that the Random Forest and MLP classifiers achieved the best detection results, yielding an area under the ROC curve (AUC) above 0.85 for the evaluation data. We showed a proof-of-concept for an attack detection method that combined the classification algorithm, the proposed anomaly metrics and the mobile agents. We claim that due to a unique feature of self-regulation, realized by destroying unnecessary agents, the proposed method can establish a new type of multi-agent intrusion detection system that can be applied to a wider group of IT systems

    Recent Advances in Detection, Investigation and Mitigation of Cyber Crimes

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    Recent Advances in Detection, Investigation and Mitigation of Cyber Crime

    Tight Arms Race: Overview of Current Malware Threats and Trends in Their Detection

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    Cyber attacks are currently blooming, as the attackers reap significant profits from them and face a limited risk when compared to committing the "classical" crimes. One of the major components that leads to the successful compromising of the targeted system is malicious software. It allows using the victim's machine for various nefarious purposes, e.g., making it a part of the botnet, mining cryptocurrencies, or holding hostage the data stored there. At present, the complexity, proliferation, and variety of malware pose a real challenge for the existing countermeasures and require their constant improvements. That is why, in this paper we first perform a detailed meta-review of the existing surveys related to malware and its detection techniques, showing an arms race between these two sides of a barricade. On this basis, we review the evolution of modern threats in the communication networks, with a particular focus on the techniques employing information hiding. Next, we present the bird's eye view portraying the main development trends in detection methods with a special emphasis on the machine learning techniques. The survey is concluded with the description of potential future research directions in the field of malware detection

    Catholic Schools - the Identity and Perspectives

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    Nell’articolo: “La Scuola Cattolica, identità e prospettive” riprendo la riflessione sulla Scuola Cattolica, la sua identità e le prospettive che si aprono davanti ad essa. Il punto di partenza è la definizione della Scuola Cattolica alla luce dei documenti del Magistero della Chiesa, nel magistero pontificio ordinario e nei documenti della CEI. Questo ci permette di definire che cos’è la Scuola Cattolica, quale posto occupa, quali sono i suoi diritti e lo spazio per agire nella società. Nella parte seconda faccio il tentativo di dare risposta alle seguenti domande: Cosa fare per seguire fedelmente le indicazioni della Chiesa, come educare oggi, perché non basta soltanto insegnare? Come far crescere pienamente i ragazzi di oggi? Come rendere la scuola cattolica il posto particolare dell’incontro, dell’incontro vero tra gli uomini e con Dio? C’è bisogno di incontri veri nel mondo di oggi, dove sono troppi gli incontri virtuali che pian piano prendono il posto di quelli reali. Con questo articolo sto sottolineando il bisogno dello sviluppo di un clima umano positivo, di un rapporto interpersonale vero e sincero, basandomi sulle teorie di Herbert Franta, Anna Maria Disanto, Marcel Postic e altri. Grazie alla applicazione nella realtà polacca delle teorie sopra accennate credo, se si potesse lavorare in modo più efficace creando più significative relazioni interpersonali, che potrebbero cambiare la qualità e il modo di funzionare della scuola, soprattutto della Scuola Cattolica, così che essa diventi un bastione della fede e dell’umanità.W artykule La Scuola Cattolica, l’identità e le prospettive podejmuję temat szkoły katolickiej, jej tożsamości i perspektyw, jakie przed nią się otwierają, bądź mogą otworzyć. Punktem wyjścia jest definicja szkoły katolickiej w świetle dokumentów Magisterium Kościoła, nauczania zwyczajnego papieży oraz dokumentów Konferencji Episkopatu Włoch. Pozwala to na określenie, czym jest szkoła katolicka, jakie jest jej miejsce, jakie ma prawa i przestrzeń do działania. W drugiej części staram się odpowiedzieć na pytania: jakie działania podjąć, aby wiernie zastosować i przyjąć wskazania Kościoła dotyczące szkoły katolickiej i jej funkcjonowania? Jak ma wyglądać nauczanie dziś w obecnym kontekście społeczno-kulturowym ? Jak prowadzić młodzież do pełnego integralnego rozwoju? Jak uczynić ze szkoły katolickiej miejsce prawdziwego spotkania między ludźmi a także z Bogiem? Dziś bowiem potrzeba głębokich i prawdziwych spotkań, które są z coraz większą siłą wypierane przez te wirtualne i niemalże nimi zastępowane.Wskazuję na potrzebę rozwoju pozytywnej atmosfery, odpowiedniego klimatu komunikacji międzyosobowej, opierając się m. in. na teoriach Herberta Franty, Anny Marii Disanto, Marcela Postica i innych. Uważam, że dzięki zaaplikowaniu w polskiej rzeczywistości wspomnianych teorii można by skuteczniej pracować nad właściwymi relacjami międzyosobowymi (relazioni educative), co nie pozostaje bez wpływu na jakość funkcjonowania szkoły, zwłaszcza szkoły katolickiej, gdzie troska o całkowity rozwój osobowości wpisana jest w jej naturę.In the article La Scuola Cattolica, l’identità e le prospettive I raise a subject of Catholic School, its identity and vistas which open ahead of it. The starting point is the definition of a Catholic School in law of Magisterial, The Pontiff’s tutelage and documents of Italian Episcopal Conference. It allows to determine what Catholic School is, where its place is, what kinds of rights and space to execution it has. In the second part of the article I try to answer the questions: What kind of activity should be taken to apply faithfully and embrace the indicators of Church which concern Catholic School and its working, how education there should appear beside sociocultural context, how to lead teenagers to the fully integral growth, how to make from the Catholic School a place of real meetings among people and also with God? Nowadays it is a necessity to have deep and true meetings which are with more and more strength superseded with these virtual ones and almost replaced by them. I intimate the need of development of a positive ambiance, appropriate climate of communication between people, basing my opinions on, i.a. theories of Herbert Franta, Anna Maria Disanto, Marcel Postic and others. Through application in Polish reality mentioned theories I deem it is possible to work more successfully on expediential relations between people (relazioni educative), which is not kept without influence on quality of school’s working, especially Catholic School, where solicitude about pure personality development is inscribed in its nature

    Text-Based Emotion Recognition in English and Polish for Therapeutic Chatbot

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    In this article, we present the results of our experiments on sentiment and emotion recognition for English and Polish texts, aiming to work in the context of a therapeutic chatbot. We created a dedicated dataset by adding samples of neutral texts to an existing English-language emotion-labeled corpus. Next, using neural machine translation, we developed a Polish version of the English database. A bilingual, parallel corpus created in this way, named CORTEX (CORpus of Translated Emotional teXts), labeled with three sentiment polarity classes and nine emotion classes, was used for experiments on classification. We employed various classifiers: Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machines, fastText, and BERT. The results obtained were satisfactory: we achieved the best scores for the BERT-based models, which yielded accuracy of over 90% for sentiment (3-class) classification and almost 80% for emotion (9-class) classification. We compared the results for both languages and discussed the differences. Both the accuracy and the F1-scores for Polish turned out to be slightly inferior to those for English, with the highest difference visible for BERT